If one looks at man's fundamental instincts and needs, then we need to have an attachment and a sense of belonging to other people we cannot survive without.
The natural endorphins that are created in the brain make us feel a sense of belonging and the important attachment that we need. Opiates, heroin, and alcohol, bind to receptors in the brain that also create the feeling of attachment and belonging.
If we experience stress and trauma in childhood, we do not develop a natural endorphin system, and thus one will lack the feeling of attachment and belonging, and this is where opiates, heroin, and alcohol can help to get the feeling that belongs to, and feel the important attachment, therefore it is so addictive.
Addicted people have a desperate need for attachment and belonging. Affiliation and affiliation is not a need that can be negotiated if it is latent in human nature, and is a survival instinct.
Another need that is also latent in man is the feeling of being authentic, and genuine and that means you have to be connected to yourself, so therefore it is important that you know what you feel, you can then act on it, it is what is called our gut feeling.
The gut feeling must be used to navigate between other people, our ancestors used it to be able to feel when there was danger on the move, when they were out hunting or had to take care of their families when danger arose from other rival tribes. Since these are human instincts, it is therefore impossible for man to be able to navigate life solely by using our intellect.
So gut feeling, attachment, belonging, and being authentic and genuine are skills that lie latent in man and must ensure survival it is man's instincts and nature.
So what happens when our authentic selves threaten our attachment in relation to our close relationships?
As children, we have to suppress our emotions, from the treatment we receive from our parents who may have been violent, deeply alcoholic, or otherwise emotionally traumatized, we compromise regardless of whether we will suppress, our anger, injustice and what we are as children otherwise have of emotions, our authentic selves are suppressed, we desperately need to be loved so therefore attachment and belonging are most important, it is not negotiable.
So now one has begun to give up his authentic self solely to survive!
Giving up one's authentic self is based on trauma, and it is important to understand that a trauma is not the experience itself, but the feeling it creates inside oneself, and this is where you lose your sincere feelings and lose attachment to your body. , therefore it is also really difficult to be present in the present, one therefore gets a negative perception of the world and of oneself, and now one is then only left to try and defend oneself against others' negative perception of oneself, and all these perspectives keep popping up from the past.
So addiction is not the primary problem, it is the attempt to solve a problem that has arisen in childhood due to trauma when one compromised with one’s authentic self.
RTT can help you find the connection to yourself again, and find your way back to the authentic version of you.
"It is so easy to step into the Dance of Lust, but when it is further along, and it is the Lust that dances with Man against his will: it is a heavy Dance!"
Ole Søren Kirkegaard
"we may not be responsible for the world that created our wounds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world."
Addiction is not a choice that anyone makes, nor is it a matter of lack of morals, or because one has a weak character, or lack of willpower, as many in society define addiction.
But what is addiction then?
It's all that moves man from a bad feeling to a good one, it can be drugs, alcohol, porn, games, etc.
Any form that includes human action.
Addiction is a behavior that people find relief in where it is needed in the short term, but will suffer from it in the long run, one does not want to give it up regardless of the negative consequences.
The official definition of the American Board of Society of Addiction Medicine is that addiction is a primary disorder of the brain, which occurs primarily for genetic reasons, and alcoholism is described in Denmark as a definite disease.
Another popular assumption is that it is an active choice and people themselves choose to be addicted. This is simply not true!